Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Late Valentine's Day

      Regardless of your beliefs about Valentine's Day (also known as Single Awareness Day), I personally love it. While I do believe that if you have someone you love in your life, you should tell them everyday and do little things for them to remind them just how much you care about them. I don't need a fancy gift or my boyfriend shouting from the mountain top--although I do love roses. This Valentine's Day, Denis and I were apart which kind of put a damper on the day, but we spent 4-5 hours chatting on Skype and  beating each other at the games we played. It was the highlight of my month and I cherish the time we spent talking. When I go home for Spring Break, he and I will celebrate Valentine's Day and go on an awesome date. Having someone to love and being loved are (at least to me) the most precious feelings in the world. I am so lucky to have such loving people in my life and I truly believe that I am blessed. I would like to wish everyone a belated Valentine's Day and I'd also like to tell my readers that even if you feel like you're alone in the world, I believe that everyone deserves to have someone who cares about them. I'd also like to send my regards to the men and women of the armed forces who don't get to spend Valentine's Day with the people they love; thank you for your dedication and for protecting our country.

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